"Underneath the camera.. it is so magnificently beautiful. It is upside down and backwards, true but have you seen through a view camera. You can just pay admission to see through a view camera it is so mysterious."
- Judith Joy Ross
Large format film photography is an interesting process it is cumbersome, unwieldy, and even a bit archaic. However, looking through the ground glass at the back of the camera when the subject comes into focus is magical.
The large wooden 8x10 Deardorf camera I use is a bridge to photography’s past. It slows down the act of photography which enables myself and the subject to reflect on the process and the moment.
Emerging From Darkness - This series is an exploration of the human face and the 8x10 camera in the studio. This series was influenced by the stark portraits of Avedon, the germanic matter of factness of Thomas Ruff and the painterly church portraits of Hill & Adamson.
Parklife- I really just wanted to answer this question: What would happen if I setup an 8x10 camera in a park and asked people if I could take their portrait? Well you get a lot of looks, questions and just about anyone you ask says yes.
This series is highly influenced by my deep love of Diane Arbus’ and Judith Joy Ross’ work and their deep love of people. And yes the title is a nod to one of my favourite musicians.